Nobody “pinged” you, Farrow. You chose to visit this site. Nobody forced you to do it. You did so yourself. No email or other notification was sent to you. We are not surprised that you continue to spout utter horse shit on social media. The previous message was posted on 11.01.2021 at 2103. So, the…
All posts in g
A sweet and simple message
Mrs Farrow and Ms Hadley are, not surprisingly, still completely obsessed and babbling like a couple of fucking morons. Nobody is interested in your utterly, pathetic activities on Twitter. We moved on:-A completely fresh start. New opportunities. Moving away to new places. Leaving the past far behind. Life has restarted. You didn’t move on, because…
We’re done
Life has got incredibly busy since 21st June 2019. A completely fresh start. New opportunities. Moving away to new places. Leaving the past far behind. Life has restarted. We’ve stopped using social media. FUCK YOU CAROLINE FARROW Your discussion with Christopher Guy is being dealt with by another family member; he’s going to be held…
Surrey police
Rotten to the core. Protector of bigots and extremists. Surrey police, with you, not using any common sense or morality.
So the bigotry continues
We gather from one of our sources that you are very well known at Margaret Road. Not in a good way.
It’s back
It seems having had a break of nearly a month, the bigot is back. We know Hayden vs Farrow is not yet concluded but it seems she’s returning to Twitter now that she’s ’employed’ by the ultra-conservative CitizenGO who oppose same-sex marriage, abortion etc. With any luck she will get booted from Twitter. Then the…
Oh, how we laughed
Watching Michael Mylonas QC demolish Farrow’s behaviour on Twitter was amusing to say the least. These are probably our favourite tweets of all time:- Naturally, Farrow denies Mr Mylonas’ version of events. Who would you believe? A QC at Serjeants’ Inn or a bigot and extremist from Ash?
Server outage
Apologies for today’s brief outage. Our server had a catastrophic hardware failure and we had to migrate everything across to a new server. DNS updates will continue to propagate over the next 24-48 hours so there might be intermittent outages.
Just to clarify
We’re not replacing or picking up from their sterling efforts to highlight Farrow’s behaviour. Farrow has come crashing down and we suspect given the coverage her injunction has been given much of the MSM will avoid her in future. Farrow has been owned by some rather high profile people recently:- Dr Christian Jessen Dr…
Taking a break
It is three days since Farrow last tweeted. It must be some sort of record worthy of a #RingThePope. We imagine the conversation went something like this:- Farrow: I feel very upbeat about this outcome. Amanda Jones: You do realise an injunction has just been granted against you to prohibit you from doing something don’t…